SNOMED CT as a service – the new developer toolkit from EHR.Network

SNOMED CT is one of the cornerstones of EHR standards. It contributes greatly to making the EHR data semantically interoperable and computable. However understanding and integrating into EHR applications has never been trivial, especially for small & medium application developers.
We are going to change this landscape for good with the addition of SNOMED CT as a service to our growing toolkit for EHR application developers. This service abstracts the complexity of setting up and managing SNOMED CT in your application and offers it as a set of standard REST APIs. As an app developer, you can now enable coded EHR data in your application just as easy as doing a google maps lookup.
This EHR.Network terminology service is now available to all developers on a subscription basis. You could SNOMED enable your application in a matter of hours without becoming a SNOMED CT expert. No need for setting up and managing servers, no need to understand SNOMED database, no need to learn how to search across the half a million terms to find what you are looking for.
Apart from the international edition of SNOMED CT, our service also includes the India specific extensions released by NRCeS. These include a database of the most common generic & packages drugs, language packs and use case specific value sets. The APIs also allow for mapping of common SNOMED terms with ICD10 codes for easy coding of your EHR data for reporting and claim processing.
Why should you use SNOMED CT as a service in your application?
SNOMED CT is the most comprehensive clinical terminology library in the world and is part of the Indian EHR standards. Apart from the close to 1/2 million words & phrases it contains, it also has a complex matrix of relationships that interlink these terms and make them more useful for computation and analysis.
This makes it very complex for you to properly integrate it into your application. Apart from the overhead of setting up and managing the database, you also have to learn about querying it to retrieve the terms appropriate for your application’s context. So if you are not already a SNOMED CT expert, you will end up spending a large amount of time on that rather than focusing on building your application.
Our idea behind this service is to take care of all the complexities and make SNOMED CT easy to use for you so that you save wasted time and effort.
Read more – EHR.Network Terminology service – SNOMED CT, ICD look up & drug database APIs