COVID-19 CDSS project page

This COVID-19 CDSS project creates centrally managed Clinical Decision Support tools for the front line doctors in COVID-19 screening. It is being developed as a collaborative venture with EHRC@IIITB & DHIndia association and funded by Mphasis through their CSR. This introductory post explains more about the concept and intend of the project in detail.
This project page is intended to be a one stop shop about all the project related information. It will contain a collection of all the resources associated with this project and is intended to help you learn more about it, join and contribute or make use of this free service.
Accessing the CDSS service
Standalone applications
The project includes simple mobile and web applications that can be used to access the CDSS service. You can submit anonymized patient screening data and get decision support recommendations using these applications. Please feel free to try them out.
Android application
Currently the application is in development phase. It will be distributed through this page till we are able to host it on the google play store. You can download the latest version from this page.
Web application
The web application is being developed and hosted by the project team. You can access it below.
Open APIs for third party application developers
This solution is designed to enable easy integration with external applications. If you are a healthcare application developer and would like to integrate this solution to your application, we expose REST APIs that you can use. You can read more about the technical architecture of the solution here.
The Swagger based API specifications can be accessed here for your reference and understanding.
Supported protocols
This CDSS service is able to support multiple protocols at the same time. The user can select the protocol to use at the time of screening. Currently we support the following protocols
The symptoms used in this protocol has been taken from the version of IAF protocol shared by Dr. Lavanian Dorairaj. The scores for each of the symptoms have been derived by Manick Rajendran’s team of doctors using independent studies from across the world.
The details of the scoring used in the current protocol are available in this google sheet. The proposed sheet includes more factors that could be considered to enhance this protocol.
This protocol has been designed by a panel doctors under DHIndia association and led by Infection diseases specialist Dr. Rakesh. The details of the symptoms, commodities and exposure used in this protocol are available in this google sheet.
Join and help
Project development
- Join as a beta tester – We are looking for volunteers to test the application(s) and give us feedback to make it better. Please let us know if you are interested
- Commitment level – 1-2 hrs/week
- Join as a beta tester
- Your beta tester login details – We maintain an updated list of beta testing logins here. You are requested to use your own login so that we are able to simulate real situation. In case you do not have a login, please use the link above to signup and request one.
- Feedback to improve the application – If you are beta testing the CDSS application, please post your feedback to this google sheet.
Protocol development
- Join our Physician expert panel – Our protocols will be designed and validated by an expert panel of physicians to give credibility to this service. If you willing to contribute, please let us know using the form below
- Commitment level – 4-5 hrs/week
- Volunteer to join
- Guidance document – This document gives an outline of factors to consider and question to answer while looking at defining the protocols.
More resources
- Project page –
- API documentation for developers –
- Project related post –
- Post on EHRC website –
- Post on DHIndia website –