How AyushEHR becomes a family of Ayurveda EHR applications on EHR.Network

AyushEHR is a family of EHR applications that caters to the clinical information management and process automation requirements in Ayurveda. Since it is a family of applications that share a common set of parameters such as clinical data sets they form part of the same program in the Program registry.
To implement this, AyushEHR has been configured as a tenant on the platform. This tenant manages its family of applications that currently include Resort, Clinic & Rbill and also hierarchy of organizations that provide Ayurveda care services.
By using the same tenant, AyushEHR has defined a common organization hierarchy for all the applications.
Know more about building your family of EHR applications on EHR.Network
Grouping multiple applications under a tenant allows you to define common operational framework for all your applications. For example, all applications under the same tenant will have the same organizational hierarchy.
Please contact us to understand more on how AyushEHR has used a common tenant to create a common operational framework for multiple applications. This understanding will help you get more insight into how you can design your application family on EHR.Network
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