How a standards compliant Ayurveda EHR was built on EHR.Store

Published by Dileep V S on

How a standards compliant EHR for AYUSH practices was built on EHR.Store

Building a standards compliant Ayurveda EHR was the biggest challenge that we faced while attempting to create AyushEHR. Thanks to the EHR.Store component of, we could accomplish this with ease.

AyushEHR is a growing family of applications that cater to emerging traditional Indian healthcare services market. With AyushEHR, we have extended EHR.Network to build a comprehensive EHR solution for Ayurveda. For its Ayurveda Clinical Data Repository(CDR), AyushEHR uses the EHR.Store module of the platform. We have done this by creating custom Ayurveda clinical data sets to supplement the core schema of EHR.Store. These custom data sets were modeled based on inputs from Ayurveda doctors as openEHR archetypes & templates. Based on inputs from users, we are continuously refining these data models without any data migration and backward compatibility issues.

Growing library of clinical data sets for an Ayurveda EHR

We currently support many Ayurveda specific data sets such as Ashta vidha pareeksha, Dasha Vidha pareeksha, Rogi pareeksha, Samprapti ghataka, diet preferences, food habits and yogic management. The platform enables us to keep evolving this as we get more feedback from practitioners.

The clinical data going into are coded using SNOMED CT terminology service from the platform. An Ayurveda specific extension for SNOMED CT is under development. We will make this available on the Platform as soon as it is released. We have further extended the platform through an application server to create Ayurveda specific masters to help users. These include Therapy list, Yogasana list and Ayurveda medication list.

AyushEHR implements its access controls using OrganizationID, Roles and Professions inherited from the platform. Overall, the platform provided a solid base for us to create India’s first standards compliant EHR for Ayurveda. It enabled us to deliver a complex application such as AyushEHR easily and within limited budget. The flexible schema that the platform offers has enabled us to incrementally build the system without the need for any major design changes.

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