ABDM certified HIP solution for hospitals, diagnostic labs & medical devices on EHR.Network ABDM connect

The ABDM HIP solution, one of the key modules in our EHR.Network HRP service, is designed to make it easy for all health information providers(HIP) to become ABDM compliant. It enables them to easily share a patient’s clinical data with others based on his/her consent. Our service provides an end to end solution for any HIP to achieve this with minimal development and customization of their existing HIS/EMR solution.
With ABDM pilot rollout in six union territories, sharing of clinical documents such as lab reports, radiology reports, prescription, consult and other relevant clinical data through a consent flow is fast becoming a reality in India. We expect this pilot and the planned national roll out to usher in a streamlined process across hospitals, clinics, diagnostic labs, pharmacies and remote & home care, bringing great benefit to the patient. We also expect this information flow and increasing fluidity of patient data to strengthen digital health in general.
Our ABDM HIP solution is aimed at connecting existing HIMS/EMR, LIS, RIS and services from medical device startups to the ABDM Network. As opposed to the current sharing of reports and prescription via email, Whatsapp and other digital means of communication, our ABDM connect has many advantages. First of all the information sharing format is compliant to Indian FHIR profiles, making the shared information meaningful to the recipient. Next, the data shared is computable, enabling digital processing of the same in real time. Third, the digital nature of the information enables services such as CDSS and drug contraindication validations to be applied to reduce medical errors. Apart from all of these, the person controls the information and sharing is only through a consent provided by the person.
ABDM HIP solution – making your legacy system ABDM compliant
Our SAAS HIP solution implements the complex asynchronous APIs and workflows of ABDM at one end and simple custom APIs to integrate with your existing solutions. This way we minimize the need for major re-development of your traditional solutions. Our ABDM connect also includes a proxy cloud FHIR repository for off line systems to achieve always on cloud presence. Further this HIP Service also manages the ABDM Health ID, the consent artifacts and audit trails for the transactions.
As the first step in the NDHM Connect process, we register the healthcare provider with the NDHM Network as a HIP with a unique HIP identifier and name. This adds the healthcare provider to the facility registry of NDHM and makes them discoverable. The HIP identifier is used for discovery by the Health Locker of the patient and by other healthcare providers who want to submit a consent request for health data. This is a one time process.
We support the association of patient care contexts so that data are made ready for sharing, using both the methods supported by ABDM. The first option is for the patient to discover and link care contexts from their PHR application and the second option is for the HIP to publish care context information while creating based authorization settings of the patient.
Once we receive the consent request approved by the patient, the subsequent steps for sharing the specified Health Information types for the indicated time period with the HIU are undertaken. In the future releases, we plan to make the consent more granular. Our ABDM HIP solution also stores the consent request for the patient on your behalf for audit, reporting and compliance.
In the final step for data sharing, we validate the consent references against the care contexts and HI types linked by the person. Once the details are validated, our service extracts the required data via our HIP SDK, creates the respective FHIR resources, encrypts them and delivers them to the call back URL of the requesting HIU.
Our solution also maintains an audit trail for all steps of the data discovery and transfer flow.
Demonstrated and ready for live implementations with minimal development

The EHR.Network ABDM HIP solution prototype is ready and demonstrated. A recording of the same is available in our YouTube channel. Those locally installed hospital systems that do not have a permanent cloud presence can use our proxy cloud repository as an online store of clinical information of their patients for sharing via the ABDM network. This will enable you to become ABDM compliant with minimal changes to your inhouse healthIT processes.
EHR.Network is a health data first, openEHR compliant platform that provides APIs for healthcare application developers to rollout standard, security and privacy compliant health care applications with speed and reduced risk.