EHR.Network@2024 – Committed to making ABDM integration a reality for everyone

As we step into 2024, India is a year closer to meet its commitment on UN SDG #3 ‘Health and Wellness for all’ by 2030. ABDM(Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission) integration is driving this forward on the technology front. ABDM network is designed to enable seamless exchange of health information that leads to better access and outcomes for patients.
Since a decade, a policy driven framework for the Indian Healthcare ecosystem has evolved and it includes :
- A patient centric approach with focus on wellness and continuity of care
- Use of digital technology for healthcare capability exponential growth
- Optimal utilization of Public and Private healthcare
- Boost for AYUSH
- Patient empowerment with self data ownership
- Indian EHR standards to gathering and management of structured health information
- National level ABDM infrastructure to share consent based patient data
The ABDM infrastructure rollout by NHA is the culmination of the decade-long endeavor by the Indian government. The service providers, both in Public and Private healthcare, benefit from incentives that NHA has rolled out for them to integrate their existing healthtech systems with the ABDM network.
This year, we expect the ABDM network to achieve the critical mass that will drive a market need for all healthcare providers to adopt it.
EHR.Network – helping you manage the complexities in ABDM integration
EHR.Network has developed a complete product range that addresses all the challenges in the ABDM integration process for existing healthtech systems.deployed by healthcare providers
ABDM connect (ABDMc) is a portfolio of services that expose restful APIs for healthtech systems to integrate and achieve M1, M2 and M3 certification required to go live on the ABDM network. We have designed the ABDMc APIs to ensure a minimum impact to existing workflows and processes of the healthtech system.
ABDM middleware (ABDMmw) is a minimal, standards compliant, health data management platform optimized for ABDM. Legacy healthtech systems are designed to manage health information to meet the needs of your end user applications. However, for ABDM integration, you should share and receive health information using predefined processes and formats. ABDMmw enables healthtech systems to externalize their data repository for ABDM integration. This ensures a clear separation of concerns to minimize the impact to existing data management in the healthtech system. Further, all the ABDM related data functionality such as retention of shared data as per the consent granted are all handled independent of the health systems.
With our ABDMc and ABDMmw, your current healthtech systems can be quickly integrated with the ABDM network to achieve it’s certification requirements.
In 2024, we look forward to connecting, partnering and working with all stakeholders in the ecosystems to move towards our collective goal of ‘Health and wellness for all’ by year 2030.