ABDM integration made easy for everyone – EHR.Network ABDM Connect(ABDMc)

Our ABDM connect(ABDMc) simplifies ABDM integration for healthIT solutions. It enables your healthcareIT systems to quickly integrate with the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission(ABDM) network with minimal development effort.
Our solution implements the complex control and data flows required by ABDM. It further exposes simple interfaces for your digital health solutions to consume and achieve ABDM compliance. We support a wide spectrum of ABDM workflows, including those required for your healthIT solution to complete M1, M2, M3 & PHR certifications. These certifications are a prerequisites for your applications to go live on the ABDM infrastructure.
The problem
When you plan on integrating your HealthIT systems with the ABDM network, you may face many challenges, such as..
- Understanding and keeping abreast of the certification requirements
- Interfacing with the certification agency and NHA for the certification
- Asynchronous control flows for authentication, authorization, discovery, linking, data sharing etc.,
- Management of data and artifacts such as consent requests, consents, subscription requests etc required in the control flows.
- Ensure data shared is as per approved consents
- Ensure legal compliance of data received
- Securing call back apis
- Manage complex data validation and encryption requirements
- Data mapping to and from FHIR bundles following the ABDM FHIR IG
We have designed and created ABDMc to address the above challenges. To the ecosystem of ABDM integrators such as you, it brings ease of integration for your existing healthIT systems. Your healthIT systems could be HMIS, EMR, LIMS or any of the new age digital healthcare solutions.
Also read
- ABDMc features
- Deployment modes
- ABDM middleware for a standards compliant integration middleware.
- Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, The backbone to support an integrated digital health infrastructure for India
- Ready functionality – reduced time, effort & cost to integrate with ABDM
- Configurable services for deployment with minimal redevelopment
- Multiple hosting options – Cloud, own infra
- Fast track ABDM functional & security certification with field proven apis & functionality
- Achieve complete ABDM integration with only simple synchronous apis
- Micro-services design for enhanced security, scalability, performance & availability
- Security features to mitigate risks for the entire IT system – IP restriction, rate limiting, bot blocking, JWT validation
- Easy ongoing management of ABDM integration via separation of concerns
- Openapi 3.0 documentation to make life easy for developers
- Consultancy on EHR standards, ABDM, FHIR
- Optional application development service