Functional modules – helping applications fulfill EHR system architecture.

EHR system architecture standard (ISO/BSI 18308)outlines the functional requirements that any standard EHR system should support. These functional requirements are created by EHR.Network through a careful orchestration of the different services that make up the platform. Healthcare applications that provide solutions to users and patients are built around these functional modules.

While a state level public health system will use all of the functional modules of the platform EHR architecture, a hospital EHR system may involve only a subset of them. What gets used will depend upon the intended audience, scope and nature of the application.

The APIs exposed by the platform align to the EHR system functionalities to help app developers remain focused on the requirements of their users. This way ensures that the complexity of its backend services architecture are not exposed to the app developers.

That said, EHR.Network is built around a person centric EHR repository – EHR.Store. All other modules help the care process remain streamlined, efficient and transparent. The platform ensures that the establishments that generate and consume clinical information are empowered to increase their operational efficiencies by enabling access to EHR.Store in a regulated and consent driven manner as mandated by Indian EHR Standards.


EHR.Store is the person centric EHR repository and forms the nucleus of EHR.Network. It manages the clinical information around individuals for the entire duration of their life.

Establishment registry

Healthcare establishments are uniquely represented across the platform using this registry. They can then be structured in program level organization hierarchies for program management

Person registry

Person registry in captures the demographic information required to identify the person uniquely and prevent fragmentation of their Personal Health Record(PHR)

Practitioner registry

Healthcare practitioners get their unique ID in this module. Once registered, establishments can assign roles to them to enable them with access to their patients

Program registry

Vertical healthcare programs such as Mental Health, Diabetic support, ASD care PHR and Wellness can work in isolation using their own set of clinical information, while serving the same patient.

Care team collaboration

Collection of services that help care team members collaborate around the EHR of the patient and enabling them to make decisions which are safe and outcome oriented.