Documentation & tools

Developer documentation


Our new documentation site is aimed at the application developers. Here we will be providing a step by step documentation for application developers to create modern healthcare application on our platform.

Our documentation is structured into small bite sized information that in designed to help developers find answers to their questions quickly. It will include things like FAQs, Howtos along with links to all the other resources that application developers can leverage.

Please visit –

OpenAPI 3.0 API specifications


We have upgraded our API specifications to comply with OpenAPI 3.0 standards. This makes out API documentation exhaustive and detailed. Apart from viewing the API documentation online, you can also download the OpenAPI 3.0 specifications and use a large number of community tools to try the APIs, generate code snippets and simply automate a large portion of your work.

Please visit –

Developer tools repository(beta)


Free support is available through our public developer tools repository in gitlab. 

We will be hosting and managing this repository – Developers can access and use the provided tools FOC. Developers can also contribute to these tools.

We will make an attempt to answer the questions posted here to the best of our ability. Developers are also free to share their learning for the benefit of the entire community.

Please visit –

Platform SDK/AppServer framework(alpha)


This is a JAVA based application server framework that connects to the platform APIs on one side and exposes simplified REST APIs for UI applications at the other end. This framework can be used to extend the platform capabilities to implement app specific business logic and data persistence requirements. This framework can also be used to implement caching to improve UI response and application specific workflows.

This is a modular framework and can be deployed easily for a variety of application requirements.

Web UI framework(alpha)


This modern web UI framework is built on Angular 9 and uses components architecture. It uses the Nebular library and includes a library of custom modules required by common clinical applications. You can use this framework to assemble modern clinical web applications in a very short time.